Island Burrowing Boa


Extinction of the Round Island Burrowing Boa: A Tragic Loss

Habitat Destruction and the Devastating Consequences

The Round Island burrowing boa, scientifically known as Bolyeria multocarinata, was a unique and enigmatic species that once inhabited the Round Island, a small island situated north of Mauritius. Its habitat was confined to this single location, making it highly susceptible to environmental changes. Unfortunately, the relentless destruction of its habitat sealed the fate of this magnificent creature.

A Dwindling Population and the Last Hope

By the 1970s, the Round Island burrowing boa population had plummeted to a mere 75 individuals. The destruction of its habitat had left these snakes with nowhere to thrive. The few remaining snakes clung to survival on the island, their numbers dwindling with each passing year. The fate of the Round Island burrowing boa hung in the balance.

Two Lifelong Friends and a Glimmer of Memory

Two lifelong friends who had spent countless hours exploring the Round Island stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. They encountered two Round Island burrowing boas, believed to be the last remaining members of their species. These two snakes represented the only living witnesses to the tragic extinction of a once-thriving species.


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